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Privacy Policy: We Respect Your Privacy!

Your trust matters, so we're keepin' it real about your info.

Privacy Policy: We’re Not Creepy, We Promise!

We know you care about your privacy, and so do we. That’s why we’ve put together this fun (but still totally legit) privacy policy to let you know how we collect, use, and share your personal information when you visit or shop at (our “Site”).

Personal Information We Collect: We’re Not Mind Readers, But…

When you visit our Site, we automatically collect some info about your device, like your web browser, IP address, time zone, and some of the biscuits installed on your device. As you browse, we also collect info about the pages and products you view, the sites that referred you to us, and how you interact with our Site. We call this “Device Information.”

We also collect “Order Information” when you make a purchase or attempt to make a purchase through our Site. This includes your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, and phone number. Payment information, such as credit card numbers, is securely handled by our third-party payment processor, Stripe, and is not collected or stored by us.

How We Use Your Personal Information: No Evil Plots, We Swear!

We use your Order Information to fulfil your orders (obviously!), process payments, arrange shipping, and send you invoices and order confirmations. We also use it to communicate with you, screen for potential risk or fraud (we hate scammers!), and provide you with information or advertising about our products or services (but only if you’re chuffed with it).

We use your Device Information to help us screen for potential risk and fraud (especially your IP address) and to improve and optimise our Site (like figuring out how customers browse and interact with our Site).

Marketing and How We May Contact You: We’re Not Stalkers!

If you’ve given us consent or previously purchased from us, we may use your info to contact you about products you’ve bought or stuff we think you might like. We may reach out to you by email, SMS, post, or other means (but no carrier pigeons, we promise!).

You can always object to this use of your info by visiting our Contact Us page. We’ll also give you the chance to opt-out of these marketing communications when you provide your contact info and in every message we send.

If you tell us to stop sending you marketing stuff, we’ll stop (but it might take a few days to update our records).

Sharing Your Personal Information: No Gossip, Just Business!

We share your Personal Information with third parties to help us use it, as described above. For example, we use WordPress to power our online store (you can read about how they use your info in their privacy policies). We also use Google Analytics to help us understand how customers use our Site (you can read about how Google uses your info and opt-out if you want).

We may also share your info with business partners, suppliers, and sub-contractors such as delivery companies to perform any contract we enter into with you. They’re all under contract with us to keep your info safe and only use it for specific purposes.

Lastly, we may share your Personal Information to comply with laws and regulations, respond to legal requests, or protect our rights.

Behavioural Advertising: We’re Not Mind Controllers!

We use your Personal Information to show you targeted ads or marketing communications we think you might like. You can opt-out of targeted advertising by:

Additionally, you can opt-out of some of these services by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out portal at

Your Rights: You’re the Boss!

If you’re a UK or EU resident, you have the right to access, correct, update, or delete the personal information we have about you. Just contact us using the info below.

Data Access Requests: We’re Not Hiding Anything!

If you want to access your info, just let us know using the contact details you used when placing an order or making a comment. We’ll provide you with everything we have within 30 days.

Data Retention: We’re Not Hoarders!

When you place an order, we’ll keep your completed Order Information for 12 months, then we’ll automatically delete it. Check our Refunds & Returns policy if you need a refund or return after 3 months.

To comply with GDPR regulations, our system automatically deletes inactive user accounts after 6 months if no orders have been placed during that time. This helps us ensure that we’re not holding onto your personal information for longer than necessary.

If you have an account with us but haven’t placed an order in the last 6 months, your account will be considered inactive and will be automatically deleted. If you want to keep your account active, just place an order within that 6-month window, and the countdown will start over.

We believe in keeping your data safe and secure, and we don’t want to hold onto it any longer than we need to. So, if you’ve been away for a while, don’t be surprised if you have to create a new account the next time you shop with us.

Minors: No Kids Allowed!

Our Site is not intended for anyone under 18. By making a purchase, you confirm that you’re at least 18 or have permission from a parent or legal guardian.

Changes: We Like to Keep Things Fresh!

We may update this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes to our practices or for other reasons.

Contact Us: We’re Here for You!

If you have questions, concerns, or just want to chat about privacy, visit our Contact Us page or drop us an email at [email protected].

There you have it, folks! Our privacy policy in a nutshell. We promise to keep your info safe, use it responsibly, and not be creepy about it. Happy collecting!

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